Personal Information
Licensure and Certification
Key Qualifications
Current Professional Experience
Previous Professional Experience
Previous Unlicensed Experience
Professional Memberships
Awards and Honors
Research Activities
National Conference Speaking Engagements
Poster Presentations
Committee Involvement
Continuing Nursing Education Offerings and Inservices Presented
Continuing Education Offerings Attended
Name: David R. Yost, BSN, RN-BC, CPHQ
Because the Internet is such a public medium, and concerns abound regarding security of personal information, my address and phone number are available only by request.
Home e-mail:
Work e-mail:
Connect on Twitter at @InfoTechRN
Sept. 1990 - present
Registered Nurse, State of Ohio
June 2008 - present
Board Certified Informatics Nurse
by the American Nurses Credentialing Center
December 2003 - present
Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ®)
by the Healthcare Quality Certification Board
of the National Association for Healthcare Quality
February 1992 - January 2001
Certified in Adult Critical Care Nursing (CCRN®)
May 1995 - December 1999
Basic Life Support Instructor
June 1995 - December 1999
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor
May 1995 - May 1998
Certified in Basic ECG Interpretation by Rogers Heart Foundation
October 2013
Master of Health Administration, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
Curriculum complete as of October 2013, fall semester graduation application in process; grade point average of 4.00 (A = 4.00)
May 1994
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Lourdes College, Sylvania, Ohio
Graduated summa cum laude with a grade point average of 4.00 (A = 4.00)
May 1990
Associate Degree in Nursing Technology, Owens Community College, Toledo, Ohio
Graduated with highest honors, and a grade point average of 4.00 (A = 4.00)
Attended The College, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Studied biological sciences
June 2005 - present
Catholic Health Partners
Cincinnati, Ohio
Director, Performance Analytics
(Position titles before promotion: Clinical Systems Project Manager 2005-2008; Manager, Performance Analytics, 2008-2010)
September 2003 - December 2011
Rhodes State College
Lima, Ohio
Clinical Nursing Instructor
June 2003 - June 2005
St. Rita's Medical Center
West Central Ohio Health Partners, Lima, Ohio
Director of Decision Support
September 2000 - June 2003
Mercy Health Partners, Toledo, Ohio
Regional Manager
Clinical Decision Support
August 1994 - May 2003
Owens Community College
Toledo, Ohio
Clinical Teaching Assistant, Department of Nursing
October 1998 - September 2000
Mercy Health Partners, Toledo, Ohio
Senior Decision Support Analyst, Clinical Decision Support (June 1999 - September 2000);
Senior Financial Analyst, Decision Support (October 1998 - June 1999)
October 1997 - October 1998
Mercy Health Partners, Toledo, Ohio
Nurse Analyst, Decision Support
August 1996 - March 2001
Genentech, Inc.
South San Francisco, California
R.N. Preceptor
October 1994 - October 1997
Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
Toledo, Ohio
Heart Services Nurse Educator
Nursing Education Services
September 1992 - July 1998
Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
Toledo, Ohio
Staff R.N., Cardiac Intensive Care Unit & Cardiac Stepdown Unit
(per diem/casual after October 1997; Clinical Nurse III from January 1994 to July 1995)
August 1996 - December 1997
Owens Community College
Toledo, Ohio
Adjunct Faculty for HSC 100 (Interdisciplinary Health Concepts)
June 1990 - September 1992
Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
Toledo, Ohio
Staff R.N., Intermediate Care Unit
May 1990 - August 1994
Fostoria Community Hospital
Fostoria, Ohio
Per diem Staff R.N., Medical-Surgical & Intensive and Coronary Care Units
August 1989 - May 1990
Medical College of Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
Nursing Assistant, MCO Rehabilitation Hospital at the Coghlin Pavilion
April 1984 - May 1990
Fostoria Community Hospital
Fostoria, Ohio
Orderly, Medical-Surgical Unit; floated to all areas as needed
August 1974 - September 1975 and June 1978 - April 1984
Edgewood Manor Nursing Home (now St. Catherine's of Fostoria)
Fostoria, Ohio
2013 - present
Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
2011 - present
Member, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), its Central and Southern Ohio Chapter, and its Clinical and Business Intelligence Analytics and Information Delivery Task Force
1990 - 1991 and 1994 - present
American Nurses Association, Ohio Nurses Association, and Northwest Ohio Nurses Association
Member, NONA Nominating Committee, 2003-2005
Member, NONA Board of Directors, June 2009 - June 2011 and June 2013 - present
1997 - present
Sigma Theta Tau International, Zeta Theta Chapter-at-Large
Chapter Vice President December 2006 - June 2007
Chair of Finance Committee, June 2007 - June 2012
2002 - present
American Nursing Informatics Association
1998 - 2000 and 2013 - present
Healthcare Financial Management Association
1991 - 2001
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
1994 - 2001
Greater Toledo Area Chapter of AACN;
Member, Board of Directors, June 1995 - March 2001
Chair, Membership and Newsletter, June 1999 - March 2001
President, June 1998 - June 1999
President-Elect, June 1997 - June 1998
1995 - 1997
Lourdes College Honor Society of Nursing
1995 - 1998
National Nursing Staff Development Organization and Toledo Area Staff Development Council
November 2011
Named as one of the Top 25 Clinical Informaticists in Healthcare by Modern Healthcare magazine
June 2001
Honorable Mention, Outstanding Poster Presentation at the MIDAS+ User Symposium
May 1996
Excellence in Nursing Award for Commitment to the Nursing Profession; Mercy St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center
May 1990
Nursing Honor Award; Department of Nursing, Owens Community College
June 1993 - April 1998
Registry Coordinator for Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center, National Registry of Myocardial Infarction
September 2008
Taking the Next Step with Physician Scorecards in HBI
Using Scorecards to Eliminate Multiple Corporate Reports
InSight 2008 Annual Conference, Grapevine, Texas
October 2007
Good to the Core: Reporting Core Measure Data in HBI and HPM
InSight 2007 Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
June 2003
Using the Case Management Module in Hospital Clinic Settings
12th Annual MIDAS+ User Symposium, Tucson, Arizona
November 2002
It's All in the Mix: Case Mix Index Database Innovations
Eclipsys User Network Annual International Conference, Los Angeles, California
November 2002
Corporate and Regional Intranet Solutions for Decision Support
Eclipsys User Network Annual International Conference, Los Angeles, California
June 2002
Comparative Data: Innovative Methods for Driving Performance Improvement
11th Annual MIDAS+ User Symposium, Tucson, Arizona
April 2002
Measuring the Success of Your Case Management Program
Premier Breakthroughs in Performance Improvement Conference, San Diego, California
October 2001
Measuring the Success of Your Case Management Program
Case Management Along the Continuum (presented by Contemporary Forums), Las Vegas, NV
October 2002
Using Core Measures to Guide Health System Process Improvement
Presented at the Nursing Quality Institute of the Ohio Nurses Foundation and the Ohio Board of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio
June 2001
Integrating Comparative Data Base Measures into Multi-Entity Reporting
Presented at the 10th Annual MIDAS+ User Symposium, Tucson, Arizona
April 1996
Quality in Rhythm: Strategies to Improve Outcomes in Basic Dysrhythmia Education
Presented at nursing staff development conferences in Scottsdale, Arizona (Allegheny University of the Health Sciences), Warren, Michigan (William Beaumont Hospital), and Toledo, Ohio (Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center)
April 1992
Taking the Pressure Off: Ways to Prevent Skin Breakdown Due to Oxygen Delivery Devices
Presented at Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center's Nursing Grand Rounds
Sept. 2001 - June 2003
Physician/Information Services Functional Steering Committee
Oct. 2001 - June 2003
Medical Management Committee
Oct. 2000 - June 2001
Facilitator, Data Integrity Task Force
Aug. 1998 - June 2003
Various performance improvement teams -- CABG, CHF, clinical pathways, medication error reduction, Clinical Effectiveness Council, etc.
Jan. 1996 - Dec. 1998
Professional Development Council
Nov. 1994 - May 1998
Nurses' Week Planning Committee (chair Nov. 1994 - May 1996)
Feb. 1995 - Oct. 1997
Nursing Education Services Quality Improvement (QI) Committee
June 1996 - July 1996
Chair, Educational Task Group
July 1994 - March 1996
Chest Pain Important Aspects of Care Task Group
Feb. 1991 - Dec. 1995
Nurse Image Council (chair for the calendar year 1994)
Jan. 1994 - Dec. 1994
Core Communicating Body
Sept. 1991 - Dec. 1993
Skin Care Committee
Nov. 1992 - Oct. 1994
Cardiac ICU/Cardiac Stepdown Unit QI Committee
Dec. 1991 - Sept. 1992
Intermediate Care Unit QI Committee
12-Lead ECG Interpretation
Activated Clotting Time (ACT) Sampling and Quality Control
Advanced Cardiac Life Support new provider and renewal classes
Alphabet Soup: Making Sense of Cardiac Injury Markers
Basic Dysrhythmia
Basic Dysrhythmia Update
Basic Life Support: Provider Course C
Better Guesses: The Role of Decision Support in Healthcare Management
Beyond the 12-Lead...Introduction to 18-Lead ECG's
Cardiac Catheterization, EP Studies, and Ablation
Cardiac Medications
Care of the Patient with a Pacemaker in the Outpatient Surgery Setting
Continuous Cardiac Output and SvO2 Monitoring
Critical Care Course:
Cardiac anatomy and physiology, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure,
cardiogenic shock, cardiac medications, temporary pacemakers
Diagnosis of Acute MI with the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram
Diagnostic Strategies in Acute Myocardial Infarction: The Basics and Beyond
Documentation Inservice
DRAGNET: Diagnosis & Reperfusion Analysis with Good News for Evaluation & Treatment
(Case Studies in Reperfusing Hearts, Minds, and Lungs)
Heart Rounds: Can These Hearts Be Saved?
Hewlett-Packard Bedside and Central Monitor Training
Information Tool Kit Training for Sunrise Decision Support Manager
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Update
Invision 101: Introduction to a Health Information System
Keeping Pace with Temporary Transvenous Pacemakers
Managing Patients Peri- and Post-Thrombolysis
MIDAS+ Comparative Data Base and Quality Performance Metrics
Nursing Education Services on the Information Superhighway
Nursing Care of the Stent Patient
Nursing Documentation Update
Nursing the Net: Internet Resources for Nurses
Outcomes Measurement Using Sunrise Decision Support Manager: Indicators
Perinatal Crisis Course: Cardiac anatomy and physiology, heart disease, rhythm disorders
Phase of Care Studies for Sunrise Decision Support Manager
Quality Improvement in Continuing Nursing Education
Reperfusing Lungs: Treatment of Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism
Seminar for Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping
Standardized Nursing Care Plans
Stenting: Another Alternative for Treating Coronary Artery Disease
Sunrise Decision Support Manager Overview for MIDAS+ System Managers
Swan Songs: Getting to Know Your PA Catheter
Techniques in Performing 12-Lead ECG's (for multiskilled and unlicensed assistive personnel)
Temporary Cardiac Pacemakers
The Heart of Quality: Using the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction to Improve Outcomes
The Next Step in Organizational Performance Improvement: Ongoing Practitioner Evaluation
TNKase: An Overview
Using Informatics to Evaluate Outcomes of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
Using the PCA Pump
Women and Heart Disease
Premier QUEST and Partnership for Patients National Meeting
Kissimmee, FL
Institute for Healthcare Improvement 24th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care
Orlando, FL
Premier Partnership for Patients Regional Meeting
Cincinnati, OH
Premier QUEST National Meeting
Kissimmee, FL
Institute for Healthcare Improvement 23rd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care
Orlando, FL
Epic User Group Meeting and Nursing Advisory Council
Verona, WI
Premier QUEST National Meeting
Kissimmee, FL
Institute for Healthcare Improvement 22nd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care
Orlando, FL
Epic User Group Meeting and Nursing Advisory Council
Verona, WI
Institute for Healthcare Improvement 21st Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care
Orlando, FL
Cardiovascular Symposium '07
Lima, OH
Orthopedic Education Forum
Cincinnati, OH
2008 InSight Annual Conference
Grapevine, TX
Weekend Immersion in Nursing Informatics (WINI)
Jeffersonville, IN
The Many Facets of Clinical Informatics
Columbus, OH
2007 InSight Annual Conference
Atlanta, GA
Cardiovascular Symposium '07
Lima, OH
Understanding Managed Care II
Online course
Managing and
Resolving Conflict presented by OMI
Lima, OH
Oncology Roundtable presented by
The Advisory Board Company
New York City, NY
Turning Data Into Useful Information: a one-day course taught by Steven Berger
Cincinnati, OH
Presenting Data and Information: a one-day course taught by Edward Tufte
Dearborn, MI
Trusting Organizations presented by
OMI Associates
Lima, OH
Committing to
Accountability presented by OMI
Lima, OH
The Choice
Course presented by OMI Associates
Lima, OH
for Understanding presented by OMI
Lima, OH
MIDAS+ User Symposium
Tucson, AZ
Eclipsys User Network Annual International Conference
Los Angeles, CA
MIDAS+ User Symposium
Tucson, AZ
Premier Performance Improvement Conference
San Diego, CA
Case Management Along the Continuum
Las Vegas, NV
(presented by Contemporary Forums)
MIDAS+ User Symposium
Tucson, AZ
Premier Clinical Performance Improvement Conference
St. Petersburg, FL
Eclipsys Decision Support User and Educational Conference
Washington, DC
Genentech RNP National Training Update
San Francisco, CA
Eclipsys Central Region User Group Meeting
Chicago, IL
MIDAS+ User Symposium
Tucson, AZ
Genentech RNP National Training Update
La Jolla, CA
MIDAS+ System Training
Tucson, AZ
Premier Performance Improvement Conference
New Orleans, LA
TSI Central Region User Group Meeting
Chicago, IL
TSI User and Educational Conference
Miami Beach, FL
Genentech RNP National Training Update
Atlanta, GA
TSI Central Region User Group Meeting
Chicago, IL
IABP Troubleshooting: Beyond the Basics
Toledo, OH
Genentech RNP National Training Update
San Francisco, CA
Cardiology '96
Toledo, OH
NRMI Investigator/Registry Coordinator Meeting
Washington, DC
Right Turns for the Future in Education
Warren, MI
Nursing Staff Development '96
Scottsdale, AZ
Cardiology Roundup: Stampede to Improve Acute MI Care
Toledo, OH
ECG Instructor's Clinic
Orlando, FL
Introduction to the CE Process
Toledo, OH
Choices and Self-Empowerment for the Caregiver
Toledo, OH
NRMI Investigator/Registry Coordinator Meeting
La Jolla, CA
The Future of Health Care: The No "Nunsense" Approach to Health Care and Nursing Education Delivery
Perrysburg, OH
Preceptor Program: Share Your Nursing Excellence
Toledo, OH
National Teaching Institute™ and Critical Care Exposition
New Orleans, LA
Available upon request.