Lionheart Kennels
Giant Schnauzers of Distinction
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At Lionheart Kennels, we specialize in Schnauzers with great personality, temperament, and conformation. Here's what some of our customers have shared with us about their Lionheart puppies....

  • Dear Dave and Rita, I am totally in love. He is so good and has such a great personality. You did a wonderful job with your puppies. He is very accepting of new things and seems such a happy little guy. A good puppyhood can't be beat. He is so wonderful I am just amazed.
  • He didn't cry at all on his first night here. I slept in my own bed. That is the first time I have ever known a puppy not to fuss on his first night. He already knows his name and is starting to fetch the tennis ball. He is going to be a great dog.
  • Dave & Rita, The whole family loves Onyx! My daughter and her are inseparable!!!! When we take a walk she is the pied piper and he follows right behind!
  • Diesel is a wonderful dog. Smart and beautiful.  He has the most intelligent look in his eyes. He is so smart that I have to keep coming up with interesting toys and things for him to do. He loves to "go do work". He has a big vocabulary already. We play a game where he sits and waits while I hide his froggy, then he goes to find it on command. He could play that all day. He also likes catching thrown toys. I could go on all day about how great Diesel is. He is such a sensitive and loving dog. I really love him.
  • I thought you might enjoy hearing how Luna is doing. I look at her now, and have a hard time believing that only a few months ago, we picked up this little fuzzy puppy from the airport--she's not quite so little anymore! She's settled in so well, it feels like we've had her for longer than just a few months. She's a smarty-pants, and keeps us on our toes. She's figured out how to work the ice maker on our refrigerator door, and she's figured out how to open the fridge! We trained her to use a bell when she needs to go outside, as she was already starting to try to open the door by nudging the doorknob. We've gotten her various "smart" toys, that you put kibble or biscuits in and it's supposed to keep the dogs occupied for hours--it takes her about 10 minutes (or less!) to get all of the kibbles. She learns very quickly, and training her has been a joy. We take her out to the dog park a couple of times a week, and she thinks that is just great. She loves playing with all the dogs, but she especially loves meeting new people. She makes it her mission to say hello to each and every person in the park. Luckily, nearly everyone she meets loves her back, as she is just brimming with joy and happiness, it's pretty hard to not love her. We take her out and about to lots of places...the park, the mall, the pet store, the beach...and everyone she meets is a friend.

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Copyright © 2005, Rita Yost and David R. Yost. All Rights Reserved.