Xena was our first home-bred champion, and we are very proud of her. Her
most distinguished win was at the 2001 Giant Schnauzer Club of America's
national specialty show, where she went Best of Winners. Later that summer
she finished her championship with a major win at Canfield, Ohio.
Xena's first litter was born in 2002. Sired by Ch. Kirsch
de Che Chin Gos (Tony),
four puppies from that litter have gone on to the show ring — including one
we kept for ourselves, Ch. Lionheart's Hy Jinx.
Others include Ingebar Prince Arturo (Torry), who has a major win and six
points to his credit so far, and
Charismatic. Xena completed her Canadian championship in 2003, then she
headed back to the whelping box. We repeated the breeding with Tony. The
puppies came in May 2004, and all of them were placed in great homes.
Xena was also a superb pet and companion. Sadly, she passed away on August 13, 2009 after a blessedly brief battle with cancer. We miss her deeply.
For more information, click the "Contact Us" link at the top or
bottom of this page to obtain our phone number and e-mail address. |